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Subject / Keyword
- 2Internationalization of higher education
- 1Cross-border higher education
- 1Cultural globalization
- 1Higher education in China
- 1Higher education policies
- 1International branch campuses
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Author / Creator / Contributor
Exploring international student mobility: neoliberal globalization, higher education policies and Chinese graduate student perspectives on pursuing higher education in Canada
DownloadSpring 2010
With the advent of neoliberal globalization in the 1980s, international student mobility (ISM) has become a significant social and educational phenomenon. Given the increasing magnitude of international student flows from “developing countries” to the “developed” or major member countries of the...
Internationalization of Higher Education in China: A Case Study of International Branch Campuses
DownloadSpring 2017
Over the past few decades, internationalization of higher education has become a key focus for universities in measuring excellence and innovation. As such, one of the most visible dimensions of internationalization is expanding partnerships with universities around the world. As the outcome of...
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