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  • 2015-08-01

    Pelc, Corrie

    The use of natural dyes in the textile industry is certainly nothing new. Natural dyes have been used for centuries as a way to color fabric. In fact, indigo—one of the best known natural dyes—was used in a piece of clothing dating all the way back to 2500 BC. The invention of synthetic dyes in...

  • 2014-08-01

    Pelc, Corrie

    For such a little thing, soybeans are big business. According to the American Soybean Association, 268 million metric tons of soybeans were produced globally. Brazil was the largest producer of soybeans in 2012, producing 83.5 million metric tons, followed by the United States (US) at 82.1...

  • 2014-12-01

    Pelc, Corrie

    Textiles have a lot to do with keeping us alive and healthy every day. For example, the air you breathe in your home or car is probably kept clean through a fabric-made filter. And that also goes for the water you drink—there’s a good chance the water filtration system in your home or office uses...

  • 2015-06-01

    Pelc, Corrie

    Everyone knows that textiles can protect. Bullet proof fabric in vests and other garments can help save the lives of law enforcement officers, while fire resistant textiles are used in the gear worn by firefighters who run into burning buildings. However, what if textiles could not only protect,...

  • 2015-12-01

    Pelc, Corrie

    When it comes to textiles that can make a difference in people’s lives, fire retardant (FR) treated fabrics are certainly at the top of the list. That’s because, in many instances, these textiles can actually help prevent fires or protect people’s lives. “FR technologies and products are...

  • 2014-08-01

    Pelc, Corrie

    Awise person once said, “All good things must come to an end.” That could be either a happening party, a blissful vacation, a fantastic meal, or that favorite shirt you won’t stop wearing despite its many holes.

  • 2015-10-01

    Pelc, Corrie

    When considering the different types of natural raw materials used to make fibers for textiles, sources like the cotton plant, flax plant, silk worm, merino sheep, and even wood pulp typically come to mind. However, nowadays new fibers are emerging from unexpected raw materials as researchers and...

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