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  • 1992

    Eales, James

    Lewbel (1989) offered a demand model which nested both the indirect translog (ITL) of Christensen, Jorgensen, and Lau (1977) and almost ideal demand system (AIDS) of Deaton and Muellbauer (1980a, 1980b). It has the advantage, then of allowing the applied demand analyst to test the restrictions...

  • 1992

    Eales, James

    The demand for meat in Canada is examined in a manner similar to previous work by Chen and Veeman, Moschini and Meilke, and Reynolds and Goddard. The current effort differs from previous studies in two important ways. First, beef demand is disaggregated into ground beef and table cut beef. This...

  • 1992

    Unnevehr, Laurian J., Eales, James

    An inverse of the Almost Ideal Demand System, the IAIDS, is developed in order to test the endogeneity of prices and quantities in the U.S. meat demand system. The IAIDS has all the desirable theoretical properties of the AIDS except aggregation from the micro to the market level. Using annual...

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