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Characterizing the performance of ecosystem models across time scales: A spectral analysis of the North American Carbon Program site-level synthesis
Black, T.A., Izaurralde, R.C., Lokupitiya, E., Munger, J.W., Schaefer, K., Weng, E., Richardson, A.D., Altaf Arain, M., Luo, Y., Ciais, P., Ricciuto, D.M., Stoy, P.C., Dietze, M.C., Poulter, B., Barr, A.G., Liu, S., Hollinger, D., Tian, H., Suyker, A.E., Verbeeck, H., Price, D.T., Grant, R.F., Peng, C., Baker, I.T., Vargas, R., Anderson, R.S., Tonitto, C., Sahoo, A.K., Chen, J.M., Flanagan, L.B., Riley, W.J., Wang, W., Lafleur, P., Gough, C.M., Verma, S.B., Kucharik, C.J.
Ecosystem models are important tools for diagnosing the carbon cycle and projecting its behavior across space and time. Despite the fact that ecosystems respond to drivers at multiple time scales, most assessments of model performance do not discriminate different time scales. Spectral methods,...
Modeling stomatal and nonstomatal effects of water deficits on CO2 fixation in a semiarid grassland
The confidence with which we can model water deficit effects on grassland productivity is limited by uncertainty about the mechanisms, stomatal and nonstomatal, by which soil water deficits reduce CO2 uptake. We propose that these reductions can accurately be modeled from a combination of...