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Item type
- 208Mechanical Engineering, Department of
- 134Mechanical Engineering, Department of/Journal Articles (Mechanical Engineering)
- 74Mechanical Engineering, Department of/Progress in Canadian Mechanical Engineering, Volume 5
- 1Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Department of
- 1Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Department of/Journal Articles (Earth and Atmospheric Sciences)
- 1Physics, Department of
Author / Creator / Contributor
- 31Carey, Jason P.
- 17Major, Paul W.
- 15Hogan, James
- 14Melenka, Garrett W.
- 12Nobes, David S.
- 10Secanell, Marc
Subject / Keyword
- 8Dynamic fragmentation
- 6Planetary materials
- 5Brittle fracture
- 5Deformation
- 5Porous media plumes
- 4Brittle failure
Smart Textiles for Visible and IR Camouflage Application: State-of-the-Art and Microfabrication Path Forward
Degenstein, Lauren M., Sameoto, Dan, Hogan, James D., Asad, Asad, Dolez, Patricia I.
Protective textiles used for military applications must fulfill a variety of functional requirements, including durability, resistance to environmental conditions and ballistic threats, all while being comfortable and lightweight. In addition, these textiles must provide camouflage and...
111 - 120 of 208