Skip to Search Results- 2Carson, Terrance R.
- 2Charles, Christopher
- 2Cheng, Yeewah.
- 2Clarke, Bryan
- 2Couture, Jean-Claude
- 2Cui, Jing
- 16Education
- 16Learning, Psychology of
- 12Mathematics--Study and teaching (Secondary)
- 11Teaching
- 9Curriculum
- 9Hermeneutics
Encounter and Engagement with Curricular Material Culture in Multicultural Educational Contexts
DownloadSpring 2018
The number of immigrants entering Canada annually is projected to rise to 333,600 by 2035 (Statistics Canada, 2010). This migration increase also means an upsurge in newcomers in Canadian classrooms, which creates pedagogical challenges and concerns (Canadian Teachers’ Federation, 2013). These...
Spring 2018
A multisite case study, grounded within constructivist philosophical stance, was undertaken to explore experiences of mathematics teacher leaders (MTLs) in leading the professional learning of mathematics teachers in rural and remote communities in Tanzania. Shaped by notions of symbolic...
Treaty Entanglements: Exploring the Educational Significance of Treaty Understandings Amongst Alberta Preservice Teachers
DownloadSpring 2018
This research seeks an exploration of Indigenous-Canadian relationships through a hermeneutic engagement with and (re)interpretation of the Treaty relationships established through the numbered Treaty processes. Evidenced by the historical and contemporary absence of Treaty education and...
`Canadian-Grown': Student Perspectives About Learning Science in a Culturally Diverse Classroom
DownloadSpring 2018
As a result of science being viewed as universal and promoting Eurocentric values, science education has been suggested to be inaccessible for culturally and linguistically diverse students as measured by achievement gaps, poor standardized test results, and racial and ethnic disparities in...
Spring 2019
The focus of this study is centered on the issues of control and surveillance in school settings, specifically the shift in power from traditional authority figures to neoliberal interest groups. This study examines how the traditional educational model, one that educates the masses and meets the...
Spring 2019
This theoretical dissertation asks: “How might an empathic-Thou lens inform ELA teachers’ values, decisions, and practices surrounding writing assessment?” Using a framework informed by Martin Buber’s I-Thou philosophy—and an approach informed by hermeneutics, autoethnography, and writing as...
Engaging with the Question of Plagiarism from the Perspective of Confucian Heritage Culture: A Challenge to the Internationalization of Western Universities
DownloadSpring 2019
With the globalization and internationalization of higher education, an increasing number of international students choose to come to Canada to pursue their education. Coming from different social, cultural and educational backgrounds, these international students encounter in Canadian academia...
Fall 2019
Derived from Doll’s (1993) seminal conceptualization of a post-modern curriculum with the criteria of 4Rs (i.e., richness, relations, recursion and rigor), the present research continues the effort to complexify and theorize recursion and recursive curriculum. This study re-conceptualizes...
Towards a Pedagogy of Intercultural Understanding: Participatory Design Research with Urban Indigenous and Newcomer Immigrant Youth
DownloadFall 2019
My participatory research study is based on the contention that while Canadians celebrate multiculturalism, there is also a need to move beyond the mere surface celebration of the concept, and to create conditions which can support co-creation of intercultural knowledge and understanding amongst...
Exploring Teachers' Insights into Their Professional Growth and other Experiences in Diverse Classrooms in Alberta
DownloadFall 2019
Tereshchuk, Daniela D'arc Fontenele
Recent rapid changes in immigration intake have impacted education in Canada, particularly in Alberta. As a result of these changes, the student demographic has grown increasingly more diverse. The Edmonton Public School Board, for example, noticed a significant growth in the English Language...