Skip to Search Results- 3Hasan, Md Monjurul
- 3Yu, Miao
- 2Afifi, Mona
- 2Altaf, Mohammed Sadiq
- 2Alwisy, Aladdin
- 2Barkokebas, Beda
- 35Al-Hussein, Mohamed (Civil and Environmental Engineering)
- 26Deutsch, Clayton (Civil and Environmental Engineering)
- 23AbouRizk, Simaan (Civil and Environmental Engineering)
- 23Chalaturnyk, Rick (Civil and Environmental Engineering)
- 22Liu, Yang (Civil and Environmental Engineering)
- 18Bayat, Alireza (Civil and Environmental Engineering)
A Comparative Study of Flowback Rate and Pressure Transient Behaviour in Multifractured Horizontal Wells
DownloadFall 2013
Tight reservoirs stimulated by multistage hydraulic fracturing are commonly characterized by analyzing the hydrocarbon production data. However, analyzing the hydrocarbon production data can best be applied to estimate the effective fracture-matrix interface, and is not enough for a full fracture...
A Conceptual Cost Comparison Study between Alberta and Overseas Module Assembly Strategies for Industrial Construction Projects
DownloadFall 2016
In recent years, the lower cost of construction resources in overseas countries (e.g. China and Korea) and advancements in transportation have increased the interest in offshore fabrication and assembly of industrial modules as an alternative to local assembly in Alberta, Canada. Many research...
A Data Driven Approach to Creating a Traffic Sign Asset Inventory using Remote Sensing Technology
DownloadSpring 2019
Traffic signs play a critical role in the safety and efficiency of any roadway, but with limited information on the current status of traffic sign inventories, the placement and condition of traffic signs goes largely unchecked. Therefore, the collection of a complete traffic sign inventory (TSI)...
A decision support framework for concurrent multi-DFX implementation to optimize the machine design process
DownloadSpring 2019
Industry 4.0 has sparked rapid changes in the manufacturing and construction sectors, leading to a major shift in how prefab construction machines are designed and manufactured in a concurrent engineering environment. Design for X (DFX) is one of the most effective methods for implementing in...
A Decision Support System (DSS) to Select the most Sustainable Alternative to Deal with Buildings with Unacceptable Conditions
DownloadFall 2024
The gradual development of the construction sector is worsening environmental deterioration and causing an unsustainable rise in resource use, further complicating the industry's long-term issues. An important facet of this matter is the present strategy for handling antiquated structures,...