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  • 2021-01-01

    Tripathi, Anuja

    Uric acid (UA) is an important biomarker of human health, given that it is implicated in a range of medical conditions such as gout, arthritis, kidney stones, and heart diseases. Gout, for example, is a prevalent and painful disease caused by uric acid buildup in joints. At high concentrations,...

  • 2023-06-20

    Klimp, Tanya

    Packaging or content, which is more important. In our society we perceive the content as having value and the package it came in as having none. My studio practice investigates this perception. Unfolding discarded packaging and unpacking its content, I am left with a shell, a skin, a vessel....

  • 2021-01-01

    Lapierre, Matthew

    The No-Brow movement emphasizes the intersection between high and low culture, acknowledging their continuous dialogue, despite the severance between them. No-Brow collapses dichotomies between high and low culture by amalgamating art historical pictorial strategies of the old masters with...

  • 2018-01-01

    Andrychuk, Darren

    From the early 80s to the mid-90s, gay male culture experienced a period of degradation and destruction because of the HIV crisis. In 1992 the word “Queer”, an exclusively gay male slur, was used to describe a theory and then became a label for a set of individuals for which it had no negative...

  • 2023-06-20

    Tao, Jeff

    Here, I’ve illustrated myself constructing a nanodevice called a “DNAzyme Walker” on the surface of a gold nanoparticle. The astronaut suit represents how, like astronauts who journey to outer space thousands of kilometers away in rockets, we navigate within nanospace, which is millions of times...

  • 2024-06-01

    James, Erin

    This still from my video and article published in the University of Alberta Intonations Journal demonstrate Robert Schumann’s use of characterization in his music and present multiple perspectives by means of costume and the juxtaposition of musical lines. Drawing on the traits of Schumann’s own...

  • 2020-01-01

    Aranas, Katrina

    When you climb a mountain or practice yoga, your brain releases several important chemicals in the brain. These chemicals affect focus and attention, which are stunted in individuals with Attention- Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). ADHD is characterized by inappropriate levels of...

  • 2019-01-01

    Malkan, Raheel

    How does one re-create a legible narrative derived out of the complexities of data? How can visual communication design aid the process of turning information into knowledge? Visual data almost always is complex and extensive but its comprehension should be relatively straight-forward....

  • 2017-01-01

    Law, Lauren

    Glass sponge reefs in Hecate Strait, British Columbia are threatened by trawling and oil/gas exploration. The reefs are ancient, dated at 9,000 years old, and represent modern analogues of extinct reefs that once existed during the Jurassic period. Given their rarity and vulnerability to damage,...

  • 2023-06-20

    Xing, Yilu

    My creative research explores ideas around culture and its significance from a culinary perspective. During creating my installations, I work closely with my family members, research our family diet routine and regional heritage, and depict the transmission of cultures through lineage. As a...

51 - 60 of 164