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  • 2023-01-02

    Welchman, Jennifer

    SSHRC IDG awarded 2023: The objective of this project is to develop an enriched model for aesthetic assessment of natural sites that will fill serious gaps in the assessments produced by models currently used in Canada and North America by conservation, landscape, and development planners, which...

  • 2013-10-01

    Linsky, Bernard

    SSHRC Awarded IG 2014: This project will study the development of Bertrand Russell's philosophy during the ten most productive years of his career as analytic philosophy and symbolic logic were being founded as academic disciplines. The project will include the letters to Russell from two of...

  • 2020-02-01

    Corkum, Philip

    SSHRC IDG awarded 2020: What we call a cause can vary from one context to another. Causal statements, where one identifies the cause of an event, are sensitive to contextually variant factors such as the circumstances of the statement, and the interests of the interlocutors participating in the...

  • 2015-10-15

    Schmitter, Amy

    SSHRC Awarded IG 2016: My research is directed at clarifying the familiar, but poorly understood notions of passion, power and representation. These concepts play distinct roles in diverse branches of philosophy, but they intersect naturally in several places, and examined together, they may...

  • 2012-10-12

    Taylor, Chloe

    SSHRC Awarded IG 2013: This research program will explore Michel Foucault's influential work on sexuality and delinquency. The three-fold objectives of this research program are: first, to take up Foucault’s genealogical studies of delinquency and sexuality in order to pursue a more sustained and...

  • 2016-10-11

    Heyes, Cressida

    SSHRC Awarded IG 2017: This project aims to change the way we think about sleep as well as the way we practice it. It communicates to diverse audiences that sleep is not a mysterious non-experience (essential but a wasteful interruption of life) but rather a central part of existence that tells...

  • 2017-10-14

    Koslicki, Kathrin

    SSHRC Awarded IG 2018: Essences have traditionally been assigned important but controversial explanatory roles in philosophical, scientific and social theorizing. For example, why is it possible for one and the same organism to be first a caterpillar and then a butterfly? Why is it impossible for...

  • 2021-02-01

    Nye, Hillary Rose

    SSHRC IDG awarded 2021: My proposed research project seeks to address the prevalence of a narrow and undertheorized vision of the rule of law in Canadian society. I aim to tackle this problem through three objectives. Objective 1 is to further develop my account of the theoretical underpinnings...

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