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  • 2016-02-15

    Peck, Carla

    SSHRC PG LOI|Stage 1 awarded 2016; Stage 2 not successful: Canada has long struggled with questions of national identity as a result of contested ground over the stories told about its past. Struggles over sovereignty by Quebec Francophones and Indigenous peoples, as well as the continued...

  • 2018-02-13

    Peck, Carla

    SSHRC PGLOI|Stage 1 awarded 2018: When history education in Canada was first designed at the end of the nineteenth century, it was part of a nation-building project shaped by competing interests of Anglophone Canada and Francophone Québec. Although history and social studies curricula and museum...

  • 2021-02-01

    Nye, Hillary Rose

    SSHRC IDG awarded 2021: My proposed research project seeks to address the prevalence of a narrow and undertheorized vision of the rule of law in Canadian society. I aim to tackle this problem through three objectives. Objective 1 is to further develop my account of the theoretical underpinnings...

  • 2021-02-01

    Miller-Young, Janice

    SSHRC IDG awarded 2021: This qualitative study will explore engineering and design team experiences among undergraduate students from understudied, underrepresented groups, and at the intersection of multiple minority identities: women, black, indigenous, students of colour, students with visible...

  • 2012-01-01

    McHugh, Tara-Leigh

    SSHRC Awarded IDG 2012: The proposed research will identify ways in which Aboriginal youth can overcome barriers to participation in sport. The purpose of the proposed program of research is twofold: (1) to better understand the meanings of the terms 'sport', 'community', and 'culture' to...

  • 2018-01-02

    Lounsbury, Michael

    SSHRC IDG awarded 2018: This proposed grant aims to develop a systematic understanding of how the sustainability logic and its associated practices (e.g., sustainability offices, recycling, becoming more energy efficient and clean, buying local food etc.) have spread across North American...

  • 2020-09-04

    McTavish, Lianne

    SSHRC IG awarded 2021: A team of settler and Indigenous scholars examines pioneer museums in 3 key sites (the John Walter Museum in Edmonton, the Camrose and District Centennial Museum in Camrose, and the Wadey Centre in Blackfalds) and asks how are disruptions of dominant pioneer narratives...

  • 2020-09-08

    Supernant, Kisha

    SSHRC IG awarded 2021: Using five threads of a Métis worldview as represented by the Métis sash – geography and place, mobility, economy, daily life, and kinship relations (Macdougall, Podruchny, and St-Onge 2012), we propose research that weaves together archaeological, spatial, and historical...

  • 09/28/2021

    Carter, Sarah A

    SSHRC IG awarded 2022: "Who owns the prairies?" will uncover and analyze who has owned the farmlands of the prairies of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta from the 1870s treaties to today. It will dissect the objectives, attitudes, politics, and logics of the laws and policies that shaped land...

  • 2017-10-16

    Ensslin, Astrid

    SSHRC Awarded IG 2018: Through cooperative inquiry and critical co-design, the project will develop an interactive digital story app (i.e., digital fiction) that can be evaluated as a tool for media-enhanced bibliotherapy to help young women address issues associated with body image concerns. 40...

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