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Characterizing the performance of ecosystem models across time scales: A spectral analysis of the North American Carbon Program site-level synthesis
Black, T.A., Izaurralde, R.C., Lokupitiya, E., Munger, J.W., Schaefer, K., Weng, E., Richardson, A.D., Altaf Arain, M., Luo, Y., Ciais, P., Ricciuto, D.M., Stoy, P.C., Dietze, M.C., Poulter, B., Barr, A.G., Liu, S., Hollinger, D., Tian, H., Suyker, A.E., Verbeeck, H., Price, D.T., Grant, R.F., Peng, C., Baker, I.T., Vargas, R., Anderson, R.S., Tonitto, C., Sahoo, A.K., Chen, J.M., Flanagan, L.B., Riley, W.J., Wang, W., Lafleur, P., Gough, C.M., Verma, S.B., Kucharik, C.J.
Ecosystem models are important tools for diagnosing the carbon cycle and projecting its behavior across space and time. Despite the fact that ecosystems respond to drivers at multiple time scales, most assessments of model performance do not discriminate different time scales. Spectral methods,...
Comparison of boreal ecosystem model sensitivity to variability in climate and forest site parameters
McGuire, A.D., Chen, J.M., Liu, J., Frolking, S.E., Wang, S., Potter, C.S., Amthor, J.S., Nikolov, N.T., Clein, J.S., Kimball, J.S., King, A.W., Grant, R.F.
Ecosystem models are useful tools for evaluating environmental controls on carbon and water cycles under past or future conditions. In this paper we compare annual carbon and water fluxes from nine boreal spruce forest ecosystem models in a series of sensitivity simulations. For each comparison,...
Diurnal and annual exchanges of mass and energy between an aspen-hazelnut forest and the atmosphere: testing the mathematical model ecosys with data from the BOREAS experiment
Russell, C., den Hartog, G., Grant, R.F., Berry, J.A., Yang, P.C., Neumann, H.H., Blanken, P.D., Black, T.A., Gower, S.T.
There is much uncertainty about the net carbon (C) exchange of boreal forest ecosystems, although this exchange may be an important part of global C dynamics. To resolve this uncertainty, net C exchange has been measured at several sites in the boreal forest of Canada as part of the Boreal...
Desai, A., Grant, R.F., Sulman, B.
Responses of wetland productivity to changes in water table depth (WTD) are controlled by complex interactions among several soil and plant processes, and hence are site-specific rather than general in nature. Hydrological controls on wetland productivity were studied by representing these...