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Developing an Understanding of Stuttering in Student Speech-Language Pathologists: A Comparison of Two Learning Experiences

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  • Purpose: This qualitative study explored and compared students’ perceptions of pseudo-stuttering and the viewing of video-recordings of adults who stutter in (a) developing an understanding of the nature and impact of stuttering, and (b) preparing students to provide treatment in the future. Pseudo-stuttering is a form of disability simulation (Ham, 1990) in which students pretend to stutter in various situations. Methods: This study used an autoethnographic design in which six student speech-language pathologists were participant-researchers. As participant-researchers, we completed six pseudo-stuttering experiences and viewed twenty video-recordings. We recorded our reactions after each experience and completed a final comparison reflection. Summaries of reflections were analyzed to explore themes inherent in the data. Thereafter, a literature review on the use of pseudo-stuttering and other methods to educate students about the impact of stutter was undertaken. Results: We found that the pseudostuttering and video-viewing experiences led to an increase in empathy and understanding of stuttering. We also gained clinical skills and insight for future practice from both of the experiences. The majority of the results from the pseudostuttering experience were consistent with those in the literature. At present there is no published literature regarding the use of a video-viewing component in the education of student speech-language pathologists.

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    Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International