
Modeling, Analysis and Mitigation of Sub-Synchronous Interactions between Full- and Partial-Scale Voltage-Source Converters and Power Networks

  • Author / Creator
    Alawasa, Khaled Mohammad
  • Voltage-source converters (VSCs) have gained widespread acceptance in modern power systems. The stability and dynamics of power systems involving these devices have recently become salient issues. In the small-signal sense, the dynamics of VSC-based systems is dictated by its incremental output impedance, which is formed by a combination of ‘passive’ circuit components and ‘active’ control elements. Control elements such as control parameters, control loops, and control topologies play a significant role in shaping the impedance profile. Depending on the control schemes and strategies used, VSC-based systems can exhibit different incremental impedance dynamics. As the control elements and dynamics are involved in the impedance structure, the frequency-dependent output impedance might have a negative real-part (i.e., a negative resistance). In the grid-connected mode, the negative resistance degrades the system damping and negatively impacts the stability. In high-voltage networks where high-power VSC-based systems are usually employed and where sub-synchronous dynamics usually exist, integrating large VSC-based systems might reduce the overall damping and results in unstable dynamics.

    The objectives of this thesis are to (1) investigate and analyze the output impedance properties under different control strategies and control functions, (2) identify and characterize the key contributors to the impedance and sub-synchronous damping profiles, and (3) propose mitigation techniques to minimize and eliminate the negative impact associated with integrating VSC-based systems into power systems. Different VSC configurations are considered in this thesis; in particular, the full-scale and partial-scale topologies (doubly fed-induction generators) are addressed. Additionally, the impedance and system damping profiles are studied under two different control strategies: the standard vector control strategy and the recently-developed power synchronization control strategy. Furthermore, this thesis proposes a simple and robust technique for damping the sub-synchronous resonance in a power system

  • Subjects / Keywords
  • Graduation date
    Spring 2014
  • Type of Item
  • Degree
    Doctor of Philosophy
  • DOI
  • License
    This thesis is made available by the University of Alberta Libraries with permission of the copyright owner solely for non-commercial purposes. This thesis, or any portion thereof, may not otherwise be copied or reproduced without the written consent of the copyright owner, except to the extent permitted by Canadian copyright law.