Milk Marketing by Dairy Cooperatives in India

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  • In January 1992 the Fund for the Support of International Development approved Dr. Fulton's and Dr. Bhargava's project proposal titled \"Improving the Performance of Milk Marketing by Dairy Cooperatives in India.\" The objectives of the study as outlined in the proposal were to: 1. Identify markets where the dairy cooperatives have had above average performance in marketing milk and where they had poor performance in marketing milk. 2. From a detailed study of these markets, identify factors that contribute to better performance in the marketing of liquid milk. 3. Develop and identify strategies, specifically dealing with promotion, pricing, and product development that the cooperatives dairies could use to increase their share of the markets. In April 1992 Dr. Fulton travelled to India. The following objectives of the trip were successfully met: (i) valuable contacts were established with the faculty at the Institute of Rural Management at Anand (IRMA), (ii) extensive data on the physical and financial operations of the cooperative diaries across India were obtained. Upon Dr. Fulton's return to Canada analysis of the data was undertaken by Dr. Fulton and Dr. Bhargava. This research resulted in the preparation of a manuscript which is currently under review with the Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing. Additional research resulted in a second paper which is currently being prepared for publication as an IRMA research report. In December 1992 Dr. Bhargava travelled to India. In addition to presenting the results of the research he obtained commitment from colleagues at IRMA to pursue additional funding to further this joint research on the performance of the dairy cooperatives. Following is a report of the findings which resulted from the research of the past year.

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