
Hydroclimate Changes to Arid regions subjected to Impact of climate change, human activities, and Large-scale climate patterns

  • Hydroclimate Changes to Arid regions

  • Author / Creator
    Mahmoud, Shereif Hassan
  • In recent years, many regions worldwide have suffered from natural hazards related to the impact of human activities and climate change, such as floods and droughts, sea level rise, extreme weather events and an accelerated hydrological cycle. In Africa, the driest continent on Earth, climate change has led to more frequent occurrences of droughts of greater severity. Beside climate change, human activities have also incurred negative environmental impact which in turn has likely affected the climate at a wide range of temporal-spatial scales worldwide. For example, in the Middle East, floods of greater magnitude have been occurring more frequently in recent decades, which could be attributed partly to rapid urbanization or the effect of climate change, or both. In the Nile River basin (NRB), recurring droughts and increasing population have led to rising tension between competing users for water. Therefore, to develop more effective mitigation strategies against the potential impact of climate change, there is an urgent need to better understand changes to the hydrologic cycle of arid regions and linkage to regional climate change.

  • Subjects / Keywords
  • Graduation date
    Spring 2020
  • Type of Item
  • Degree
    Doctor of Philosophy
  • DOI
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