School Administrators Leading Teaching and Learning for Mathematical Proficiency

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  • Alberta school administrators are required to provide instructional leadership (Alberta Government, 2018a). Mathematical proficiency is the goal of student learning and teacher pedagogy (Kilpatrick, Swafford & Findell, 2001). This paper examines how administrators can lead teaching and learning for mathematical proficiency through instructional leadership. Foundational knowledge for mathematics education, building personal capacity and supporting those we lead will be discussed in relation to the Alberta Government (2018a) Leadership Quality Standard (LQS). Aoki (2004) refers to the curriculum-as-planned as what is required for teachers to teach. He suggests the curriculum-as-lived attends to the reality of the classroom and the people in it. Strategies for leaders will be discussed and are intended to be an administrator’s curriculum-as-planned. To complement the suggested approaches for leading mathematical proficiency, I will identify the value in administrators also being mindful of their curriculum-as-lived and adapting plans based on the realisms of the school. Attending to leadership strategies with respect to the curriculum-as-lived will be a suggestion provided for further research.

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    Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International