
Static and Dynamic Characteristics of Nano-Reinforced Polymer Composites with Application in 3D-Fiber Metal Laminates: Experimental and Numerical Studies

  • Author / Creator
    Soltannia, Babak
  • Crashworthiness, energy absorption capacity and safety are important factors in the design of light-weight vehicles made of fiber-reinforced polymer composite (FRP) components. The relatively recent emergence of the nanotechnology industry has presented a novel means to augment the mechanical properties of various materials. Also, uncontrolled vibration in mechanical systems (e.g. aircraft, trains, and automobiles) may result in undesirable noise and eventually, cause mechanical failure. As a result, recent attempts have contemplated the use of nanoparticles to further improve the resiliency of resins, especially when resins are used for mating FRP components as well as three-dimensional fiber metal laminates (3D-FMLs). 3D-FMLs are a class of novel lightweight hybrid material systems with great potential for use in aforementioned applications. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of the response of nano-reinforced polymer composites, subjected to various rates of loading, as well as exploring parameters that govern and affect the frequency response of 3D-FMLs is vital for developing reliable structures. In this study, the effects of nano-reinforcement on the mechanical response of a commonly used epoxy resin subjected to different strain rates, were systematically investigated. The results were then compared to those of the neat resin. To characterize the mechanical properties of the nanocomposite, a combination of the strain rate dependent mechanical (SRDM) model of Goldberg and his co-workers, and Halpin-Tsai’s micromechanical approach was employed. Subsequently, a parametric study was conducted in addition to statistical approach, to ascertain the influences of various parameters (i.e., the particle type, their weight percentage). Then, the numerical results, as well as statistical results were compared to the experimental data obtained from testing of the neat and the nano-reinforced epoxy resin.
    Further, the vibration characteristics of the two more commonly used configurations of 3D-FMLs were experimentally investigated by nontraditional and conventional approaches. The study explored the material damping by the inclusion of two different types of nanocarbon particles (NCPs) within the core and/or interfaces of the hybrid system. The results were presented and compared. The inclusion of NCPs increased the fundamental frequency of the system slightly; however, material damping was enhanced significantly when only 1 wt% NCP was used in the interfacial sections of the system at room temperature.

  • Subjects / Keywords
  • Graduation date
    Spring 2021
  • Type of Item
  • Degree
    Doctor of Philosophy
  • DOI
  • License
    This thesis is made available by the University of Alberta Libraries with permission of the copyright owner solely for non-commercial purposes. This thesis, or any portion thereof, may not otherwise be copied or reproduced without the written consent of the copyright owner, except to the extent permitted by Canadian copyright law.