
Urine metabolomics and colorectal cancer screening

  • Author / Creator
    Wang, Haili
  • Colorectal cancer (CRC) is a major public health concern. The current population-based screening method used world-wide is fecal occult blood testing (FOBT), however this test has very low sensitivity for both colorectal cancer and adenomatous (pre-cancerous) polyps and is associated with low compliance. Metabolomics is a new field of science to study small molecules of metabolism and existing literature on metabolomics and CRC is limited. In this thesis, urine metabolomics has been shown to represent a novel, non-invasive, well-accepted screening tool for detecting CRC and adenomatous polyps with high sensitivity. The metabolomic fingerprint of CRC and that of adenomatous polyps have been explored to further understand metabolic changes in these disease states. After curative treatment of CRC, the CRC metabolomic fingerprint has been shown to remain.

  • Subjects / Keywords
  • Graduation date
    Spring 2011
  • Type of Item
  • Degree
    Master of Science
  • DOI
  • License
    This thesis is made available by the University of Alberta Libraries with permission of the copyright owner solely for non-commercial purposes. This thesis, or any portion thereof, may not otherwise be copied or reproduced without the written consent of the copyright owner, except to the extent permitted by Canadian copyright law.
  • Language
  • Institution
    University of Alberta
  • Degree level
  • Department
  • Supervisor / co-supervisor and their department(s)
  • Examining committee members and their departments
    • Clarence (Gastroenterology)
    • Adamko, Darryl (Pediatirc Pulmonary Medicine)
    • Befus, Dean (Pulmonary Medicine)
    • Fedorak, Richard (Gastroenterology)
    • Schiller, Dan (Surgery)
    • Goodman, Karen (Gastroenterolgy & School of Public Health)