Learning to Implement Task-Based Language Teaching

  • Task-Based Language Teaching

  • Author(s) / Creator(s)
  • As a past student of traditional approaches to language learning and as a second language teacher with seven years of experience in the classroom using the audio-lingual method, I have recognized the need for a change in my teaching approach based on students’ poor communicative and second language learning outcomes. The purpose of this study is to document my experience of learning about task-based language teaching (TBLT) and how to implement it in the foreign language classroom through the exploration of literature. There has been much research carried out in diverse countries on the task-based language teaching methodology. These studies provide evidence of the effectiveness of TBLT on second language fluency in secondary students. My aim is for my students to be able to communicate effectively with native speakers in many contexts.
    There are three sections in this project. The first section consists of an introduction, my personal connection to the topic, and a literature review on task-based language teaching. The second section of this project is about the main component of task-based language teaching, namely, tasks. This section includes an example of a task, as well as a lesson plan using the audio-lingual method that has been modified into a task-based language teaching lesson. The third section focuses on comparing the Audio-lingual method and task-based language teaching. It also discusses some challenges that I anticipate in implementing TBLT. Additionally, based on my experiences and the previous research done on the effectiveness and weaknesses of task-based language teaching and the illustrations of a task and lesson plan, a list of recommendations for using task-based language teaching is provided to help teachers who are considering implementing TBLT in their classroom.

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  • Type of Item
    Research Material
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    Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International