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Indigenous Knowledge (IK) and Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK): Starting a conversation

  • Indigenous Knowledge (IK) and Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)

  • Author(s) / Creator(s)
  • This paper examines educational technology integration in relation to Indigenous Knowledge (IK). In particular, we home in on Mishra and Koehler’s (2006) Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK), a popular way to conceptualize teacher knowledge in the 21st century, and consider how TPACK may or may “not fully situate or account for technology integration within a tribal consciousness” (Adcock, 2014, p. 115). Adopting an Indigenous Métissage research sensibility and drawing on educational technology research and scholarly literature, we consider IK in relation to TPACK, and TPACK in relation to IK. We conclude that IK needs to be foregrounded in educational technology contexts, including the recognition that orality and Indigenous language traditions hold critical pedagogical understandings; that Technological Knowledge (TK) should include the understanding that technology is culture-mediating.; and that TPACK be placed in an ongoing, respectful conversation and ethical relation with local ancestral Indigenous Knowledge so that teachers and students can begin to “tell a new story” about technology in relation to education, culture and well-being.

  • Date created
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  • Type of Item
    Conference/Workshop Presentation
  • DOI
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    Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International