Communities and Collections
John B. Smith Archive - Complete
- Author(s) / Creator(s)
The complete bundle of the works of John B. Smith, covering the period of 1966 through 2011 as represented by Dr. Smith on his archive website at All files have been provided by Dr. Smith from his personal collection. Over the course of his academic career, Dr. Smith has published books, articles, chapters and technical reports, and a number of web-only documents including online lessons and research dealing with the automatic generation of enterprise systems. Most of the course materials and lessons have been lost, but a sampling survived in Dr. Smith's records for inclusion in this bundle.
- Date created
- 1966-2011
- Subjects / Keywords
- Penns Valley
- Plant database
- Natural landscape
- Text analysis
- ChicoryLane Farm
- Hypertext
- Computer-supported cooperative work
- Karl Marx
- Marxist criticism
- Thematic structure and complexity
- Graminoids
- Interactive home media
- A Strategic Method for Writing
- Cognitive grammars
- Shakespeare World Bibliography
- Automatic generation of enterprise systems
- Automated language analysis
- History of digital humanities
- Privacy issues
- JavaScript
- WE writing environment
- Image analysis
- Sally Y. Sedelow
- Artifact-based collaboration system
- Systems for knowledge construction
- Collective intelligence
- Hypermedia
- ARRAS Literary Analysis System
- Plein air painting
- Technical reports
- Legacy planning
- Cognitive strategies in writing
- Bibliography
- Factor analysis
- Stephen Dedalus
- WebSphere
- A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
- Collaboration as an information processing activity
- Folk sermons / oral tradition
- Dissertation
- Digital humanities
- Natural language analysis
- Text access systems
- Bibliographic systems
- Computer criticism
- Computer-assisted literary analysis
- Query reformulation
- 200-year old log house
- Tomcat
- Automated protocol recording and analysis
- Cognitive-based / theory-based systems
- Plant walks
- Course materials
- John B. Smith
- Statistical analysis
- Database systems
- William Shakespeare
- Natural language processing
- Software manuals
- Principal components analysis
- Java
- Music in the marsh
- Perl
- Google map of farm
- Catherine F. Smith
- Education and research
- Field days
- Controlling invasives
- Internet
- Historical maps of farm
- Annotation
- Critical theory
- Technology
- Historical preservation
- Spring Mills
- Conservation practices
- Fourier analysis
- Web-based systems
- Cognitive modes
- Native plants
- Java Server
- Non-metric multi-dimensional scaling
- Plein air writing
- Client-server applications
- James Joyce
- Ecological diversity
- Humanities computing
- Plant-communities
- Literary analysis
- Technical and professional writing
- Web publishing
- J2EE
- Land use
- Sense of place
- Process model of collaboration
- Web-based course delivery
- Critical methods
- Formulaic structure
- Intelligent Search of Full-Text Databases
- Type of Item
- Research Material