
Multi-Objective Optimization for Reinforcement Detailing Design and Work Planning on a Reinforced Concrete Slab Case

  • Author / Creator
    Zheng, Chaoyu
  • Reinforced steel rebar is fabricated in the form of one-dimensional stocks, designed according to structural engineering code, and installed in various structural components. Cutting one-dimensional stocks to fit to project-specific requirements results in cutting losses, which is the major contributor in the generation of construction waste. Previous research efforts developed mathematical models aimed to analytically minimize cutting losses in preliminary engineering designs, but few have offered insight on the integration of engineering design, workface plan, detailed estimating, plus environmental factors for optimization, let alone considering minimizing total reinforcing installation cost as the ultimate objective. This study introduces an optimization model that contains three optimization stages. Integer programming (IP) technique is applied at the first stage to generate optimal rebar stock procurement plan and cutting plan for each rebar layout arrangement alternative. Next, a discrete event simulation (DES) tool is used to aid in estimating crew installation cost and field productivity in rebar cutting, handling and installation. The final stage is to apply Pareto optimization techniques so as to simultaneously optimize total cost and material waste, resulting in the optimal trade-off solution for decision making. A reinforcing concrete (RC) slab-on-grade case is adopted as test-bed case to demonstrate that the proposed methodology is capable of producing trade-off solutions in terms of reducing wastage and lowering total cost by identifying the optimal slab steel layout arrangement plan. Based the proposed methodology, “What if” scenario analysis is also provided to further investigate the potentials of the proposed method to guide the practitioners in making the most informed decisions.

  • Subjects / Keywords
  • Graduation date
    Fall 2018
  • Type of Item
  • Degree
    Master of Science
  • DOI
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