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Housing Law from the Ground Up

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  • SSHRC PDG awarded 2024: Canada is facing a housing crisis. Housing prices are rising, as are mortgage and rental costs. Housing stock is being transformed by financial interests from places where people live, into investments from which shareholders expect to make returns. Law is implicated throughout this crisis, in the ways that it facilitates the unhousing of Canadians and the financialization of the housing stock, and yet it also has the potential to protect individual residents, by enshrining their right to housing. The purposes of this Partnership Development Grant (PDG) are (1) to study how the formal legal protections in residential tenancy and foreclosure law are actually experienced by individual residents, (2) to empower residents -- and the service providers who assist them -- to take advantage of existing protections, (3) to build the capacity of legal clinics to advise residents on housing law matters, and (4) to inform advocacy and reform initiatives in housing law that ensure residents experience meaningful security of tenure.

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    Research Material
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