
Optically mediated thermal response of Quartz Tuning Forks modified with a silicon bridge for bolometric and atmospheric sensing through Photothermal Spectroscopy

  • Author / Creator
    John Errington Hawk
  • Due to the inherent benefits offered by the Quartz Tuning Fork (QTF) platform, QTFs have found utility in a variety of scientific applications to include, but not limited to spectroscopy, microscopy, and atmospheric sensing. It is from the intersection of these applications that the proceeding work will develop. This work will discuss the suitability and limitations of the point-mass mathematical model thus far used, and a distributed beam model will be investigated and experimentally verified for the first time with this system to allow for the detection and monitoring of optically mediated thermal signals using custom modified QTFs. To date, this model has not been investigated as to its applicability and utility for this type of modified QTF platform. Further, newly created modified QTFs will be tested to demonstrate their utility as a platform capable of conducting mid infrared (MIR) fingerprint analysis via Photothermal Spectroscopy while functioning in two distinct modes of operation, as well as testing with an off the shelf modified QTF platform that is commonly used in AFM applications. These two modes of operation will be compared to existing mocrocantilever based, and unmodified QTF based, photothermal spectroscopy techniques for the first time demonstrating improvement over these platforms at the same stage of development. In closing, techniques are discussed to allow for extension of this modified QTF platform for other optical regions beyond MIR and conclude with offering possible means to improve the responsivity of currently employed modified QTF chemical vapor sensors, as well as possible improvements of another competing IR fingerprinting platform.

  • Subjects / Keywords
  • Graduation date
    Spring 2019
  • Type of Item
  • Degree
    Doctor of Philosophy
  • DOI
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