
Building an Interoperable Distributed Image Database Management System

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  • Technical report TR00-07. The DISIMA project addresses the development of a distributed, interoperable image database management system enabling content-based querying. The aim of this thesis project is to add an interoperability feature to the existing prototype. As object-oriented distributed computing platforms, OMA and, in particular, CORBA, can be helpful for database interoperability in terms of managing heterogeneity of platform and communication levels. The complete distributed architecture will involve homogeneous systems and heterogeneous systems. In this project, the goal is to develop a middleware on top of CORBA for homogeneous systems. In the simplest scenario, we can assume all the systems involved are DISIMA sites, and that they have the same schema with different database instances. This thesis thus describes the development of such simpler (but not trivial) scenario. We also highlight and justify some design decisions made as the project was developed. | TRID-ID TR00-07

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    Attribution 3.0 International