
EPL Resource Brochure for Adults with Neurological Communication Disorders

  • Author(s) / Creator(s)
  • The Edmonton Public Library (EPL) is a community resource that offers a variety of materials, technology and services as well as an extensive on-line database of digital materials for the public to utilize. The purpose of this project was to identify EPL’s existing resources and assistive technologies that would benefit adults with neurological communication difficulties and summarize these resources in a document that could later be used to facilitate interactions between adults with neurological communication disorders and the Edmonton Public library. The final document, an aphasia-friendly brochure, was developed based on information gained from multiple sources. All of the team members explored the EPL website and also went to a branch of the EPL, making observations regarding accessibility and available services. This was followed by a meeting with EPL staff, and a review of current literature to gather evidence and rationale to support which resources to include in the resource guide. These resources were divided into categories based on challenges individuals with neurological communication disorders may face (e.g. difficulties with mobility, memory, and attention) to facilitate identification of materials and supports best suited for the target population. The brochure was designed to be aphasia-friendly (e.g. reading level, font, pictures, and amount of whitespace). The final product was a four-page aphasia-friendly working prototype brochure of resources at the EPL for adults with communication disorders.

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  • DOI
  • License
    Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 International