The stories we share: An Indigenous experience in education

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  • Indigenous people of Turtle Island continue to struggle with colonialism ever since first contact with Europeans in 1492. The lasting effect of colonialization provides Indigenous students with many obstacles and challenges in our Canadian education system. In particular, the dark legacy of Residential Schools and the Sixties Scoop has caused irreparable damage to the survivors of those assimilative systems and their children. It is because of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the 94 Calls to Action that school administrators and teachers are becoming more aware of the systemic racism that exists in education. This theoretical and reflexive research will engage in a deep exploration of my story, as a Plains Cree/ nehiyaw Sixties Scoop Survivor and Catholic school teacher, in the context of the available literature around Indigeneity and Canadian education. I investigate and unpack the mechanisms of systemic racism in our education system and how it is holding back Indigenous families, students, and teachers from fully participating in an education system that honours all Ways of Knowing and Being. By employing an ethic of care and critique, we can begin the healing process for both Indigenous families and educators to rebuild trust in our education system. Using academic literature and my own life story as an Indigenous student, teacher, and now graduate student, I sought to learn from my own experiences. In keeping with the teachings of the Medicine Wheel, I employed a holistic, inclusive approach under the guidance of an Elder and Knowledge Keeper throughout the process.

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  • Type of Item
    Research Material
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    Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International