
A Comparison of Motivation Between Registered Nurses Participating in Gamified and Non-Gamified Learning Modules

  • Author / Creator
    Sarker, Upinder Kaur
  • Aim: The purpose of this study was to answer two main questions: First, does the utilization of gamification in online continued education modules motivate Registered Nurses (RNs)? And second, is the Instructional Materials Motivational Survey (IMMS) a valid tool to assess motivation in the RN population?
    Background: In Alberta, RNs require participation in yearly educational activities to adhere to continuing competence program requirements and to maintain licensure. Alberta’s regulatory nursing body offers several online learning modules that RNs may complete as a component of their continuing competence program. Of these modules, three were developed using a voice over, didactic instructional strategy, whereas the remaining two were gamified. In recent years, gamification has been heralded as an innovative instructional strategy that has the ability to positively impact learner motivation, knowledge recall, and satisfaction. However, these relationships remain largely unexplored in the practicing RN population.
    Methods: Using a two-group, post-intervention design, participants were recruited via convenience sampling to complete the IMMS following their completion of an online module. Two hundred and thirty-one Alberta RNs from a variety of practice backgrounds participated. Data analysis included the use of descriptive and inferential statistics, and Principal Components Analysis (PCA).
    Results: This work resulted in three manuscripts: 1) The first manuscript is an integrative review that examines gamification in nursing literature using Whittemore and Knafl’s framework. 2) The second manuscript is an overview of survey methodology and threats that have arisen due to digital technological advancement. 3) The third manuscript is the main research study that explores the relationship between gamification and RN motivation, and IMMS validation among the RN population.
    Conclusion: First, gamification is an increasingly popular instructional strategy for consideration in nursing literature. Several areas arose from the thematic analysis including construct conceptualization, motivation, the application of gaming elements, the role of technology, and others. Most importantly, construct conceptualization emerged as a significant finding and due to its interwoven influence on the other thematic findings, it was recommended as a priority area of focus for nurse researchers, as a lack of construct conceptualization is consequential. Next, the utilization of survey methodology requires skill, effort, and appropriate consideration; surveys should not be dismissed as an easily used methodology due to their pervasive use in society. The nursing population is not exempt from the threats created by the digital technological evolution, and this manuscript provides a broad overview for nurse researchers considering survey methodology use. Last, the main study determined that there was no noted difference in motivation between RNs completing a gamified versus non-gamified module, and while the components of attention and relevance were supported by the PCA, the constructs of confidence and satisfaction were not. Unfortunately, the lack of difference in motivation between the two groups and the partial validation of the IMMS could be attributed to the limitations of the study. However, these findings still contributed to the foundation of nursing knowledge regarding the understudied area of gamification and the IMMS in a post-graduate nursing population, and also provided an impetus for future exploration of the relationships between gamification, motivation, continued education opportunities, and potential influence on patient outcomes. Future study should build upon the limitations noted, such as the use of a comparative and randomized research design; this is necessary to better understand the relationship between gamification and motivation of RNs, as well as further IMMS validation among an RN population.

  • Subjects / Keywords
  • Graduation date
    Fall 2021
  • Type of Item
  • Degree
    Doctor of Philosophy
  • DOI
  • License
    This thesis is made available by the University of Alberta Libraries with permission of the copyright owner solely for non-commercial purposes. This thesis, or any portion thereof, may not otherwise be copied or reproduced without the written consent of the copyright owner, except to the extent permitted by Canadian copyright law.