
The balancing act of collaboration, openness, quality and ensuring impact in the creation of OER resources

  • Author(s) / Creator(s)
  • This presentation examines the tensions in developing a large scale, institutional OER project and the
    care that must be undertaken in a project with a diverse range of team members, stakeholders and
    learners. The University of Alberta’s (U of A) Copyright OER project, funded through a Centre for
    Teaching and Learning (CTL) Teaching and Learning Enhancement Fund grant, aims to develop a series of
    OER tutorials for use in graduate courses, specifically within the Faculty of Education, but also available
    to the broader campus community, and to ensure such resources are open and can be adopted and
    adapted by post-secondary institutions across Canada.

    The project has numerous stakeholders including the Copyright Office, Centre for Teaching and
    Learning, U of A Libraries, Technologies in Education and the School of Library and Information Studies,
    which presents logistical challenges in coordinating meeting s and resources. More importantly the size
    and scope of the project results in key tensions around design quality of the tutorials versus openness as
    the team aims to create high quality, interactive video resources without using proprietary software
    (e.g. Articulate or Captivate). As a result a complicated range of software has been combined to ensure
    openness, discoverability, interactivity and preservation. A second major tension focuses on creating
    tutorials including learning objectives and assessments suitable for graduate students to use in the
    context of specific courses, a more general academic audience, and to ensure the materials could even
    be of use to the general public. Finally, a third tension centers on how to develop the resources as an
    institutional project and maintain the degree of control necessary to design the tutorials and prioritize
    the content covered within each tutorial, while also engaging the broader community, specifically of
    copyright officers and librarians in Canada, to enhance the quality of resources and reduce duplication
    of effort among institutions. The presentation will examine the decision made to carefully balance these
    tensions and competing interests and priorities with the goal of informing the audience how to navigate
    such decisions in other large scale, institutional OER projects, particularly ones that are not
    course/subject matter specific.

  • Date created
  • Subjects / Keywords
  • Type of Item
    Conference/Workshop Presentation
  • DOI
  • License
    Attribution 4.0 International