To what end? An analysis into the relationship between neoliberalism and desire in education

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  • Twentieth century post-structuralists Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari provide a lens by which desire and its role in education can be analyzed. This analysis is done in the hope of understanding some of the ways by which our desires are manufactured, singularized, and then leveraged in the name of serving neoliberal prerogatives. Since the birth of modern industrialized schooling, many of the imagenings for the function of education have been captured by concepts of workplace preparedness and marketable skill sets. Yet, without an analysis of the desires that play a role in the creation and perpetuation of both curricula and pedagogy, unintended consequences can work against the potential for education to serve a function beyond employment and consumption. Furthermore, an insistence upon a singular purpose for education results in an undermining of the multiplicity held in student and teacher desires to produce an educational experience that transcends systemic trappings. This paper provides a Deleuzo-Guattarian and Lacanian comparative analysis of desire, and its application to pedagogy, with the intention of approaching lines of flight to view our existence as becoming subjects.

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    Research Material
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