
Helpful and Harmful Factors in Recovery from Anorexia Nervosa: Afflicted Women Speak Out

  • Author(s) / Creator(s)
  • This study reports on results from 58 women’s subjective reports of their recovery process from anorexia nervosa (AN). Participants were either recovered or in the process of recovering from AN and had received varying levels and types of treatment. Participants were interviewed about the factors that they found most helpful and harmful in overcoming their AN. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis and revealed several common factors that were reported among participants as most helpful and harmful in overcoming AN. These factors were both psychological and external. Helpful factors included: support from others, motivation to recover, participation in activities, and self-insight. Harmful factors included: drive towards AN, society, stress, negative relations, high standards, and self-critic. Dual factors—including emotion, treatment experiences, major life change, exposure to others with AN, and identity—were those that had both helpful and harmful aspects. Results are discussed in terms of their implications for women with AN during their recovery.

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  • Type of Item
    Research Material
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    Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International