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Private interests, public borders, and the NAFTA's Chapter 11: Lessons from the mad-cow saga

  • Author(s) / Creator(s)
  • This article provides a detailed overview of the mad-cow saga that took place from 2003 until 2005, and discusses its adverse impact on the economic markets of Canada and the United States in terms of trade synergies and amicable commercial relationships. The authors go on to discuss the remedies and dispute resolution mechanisms offered by the NAFTA, particularly c. 11. Ultimately, the article argues that c. 11 is a useful tool for parties to redress their loss when they have been subjected to unfair treatment by interest groups that pursue litigation in domestic courts. This argument is grounded in a discussion of Leowen v. O'Keefe and the litigation pursued by Ranchers Cattlemen Action Legal Fund. | Cet article donne un aperqu ditaill de Ia saga de la vachefolle que Ion a connue de 2003 6i 2005 et examine son effel nuisible sur les marches 6conomiques canadiens et amiricains en termes de synergies commerciales et relations commerciales amicales. Les auteurs discutent ensuite des remkdes et des mcanismes de risolution de conflits possibles en vertu de l'ALENA, tout sp&ialement l'article 11 de l'Accord. Malheureusement,I 'articlefaitv aloirquec et article 11 est un outil utile pour les parties qui dsirent ricup&er leur perte aprbs avoir &t injustement traitdes par des groupes d'intrt intentani des poursuites dans les tribunaux nationaux. Cet argument estfond dans une discussion de Leowen c. O'Keefe et les poursuiles intenies par Ranchers Cattlemen Action Legal Fund.

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  • Type of Item
    Article (Published)
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  • License
    © 2007 Ryan Clements et al. This version of this article is open access and can be downloaded and shared. The original author(s) and source must be cited.
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  • Citation for previous publication
    • Clements, R., & Yahya, M. A. (2007). Private interests, public borders, and the NAFTA's Chapter 11: Lessons from the mad-cow saga. Alberta Law Review, 45(2), 381-400. Retrieved from
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