
Development of a Finite Element Model to Examine the Response of the Advanced System for Implant Stability Testing (ASIST) in Dental Implants

  • Author / Creator
    Vandenberg, Tod M
  • The health of the bone-implant interface (BII) of a dental implant is integral to the success of the implant. The evaluation of the development process of these tissues during the healing stages is important in analyzing the risks of failure and to determining when loading can be prescribed. The Advanced System for Implant Stability Testing (ASIST) is a device and process created to analyze the dynamic response of an implant undergoing a low-force impact load and determine the stability of the structure provided by the BII. The primary purpose of this study is to develop a modelling process that will lead to a finite element model of any dental implant and abutment system undergoing the same loading as the ASIST such that the acceleration response extracted from the
    model will match the measurement of the ASIST. This model will be validated by experimental result and predict the responses of new systems.

    The finite element model showed that changes in impact angle, clamping conditions, and implant protrusion all have significant effects on the ASIST Stability Coefficient (ASC) of an implant system which can lead to variance between similar experimental samples. The model showed that the ASIST is sensitive to the properties of the material surrounding an implant and can measure the stability independently of the implant or abutment geometry. The finite element model was able to represent the available data with an R2 value of 0.94 and provided a good representation of the experimental samples.

    The model was adapted to incorporate a dental crown, composite bone, or bone resorption. The model of the dental crown highlighted a sensitivity in the ASIST to the striking height on the crown surface. Changes in the striking height of the impact rod on the surface of the crown resulted in ASC values ranging from 13.8 to 22.2 depending on the striking height. For the composite bone, the definition of the ASC was adjusted to incorporate the two different stiffnesses of the surrounding material. The results of this simulation reinforced the necessity in accounting for a non-uniform material by showing that assuming a uniform material can make a measurement appear higher than the actual stability.

    The model was used to predict the response of an implant undergoing bone resorption. The results showed a decrease in ASC of about 2 per mm of bone loss showing evidence that the ASIST could be useful in long term monitoring of implant health.

    Using a finite element model of a dental implant has shown that the ASIST can isolate a measure of dental implant stability regardless of implant and abutment geometry. There is strong evidence to support that the measurements are based on the properties of the BII. The ASIST can be used as a tool to evaluate the short-term healing process of this region, as well as monitor the long-term health by being sensitive to bone resorption.

  • Subjects / Keywords
  • Graduation date
    Fall 2023
  • Type of Item
  • Degree
    Master of Science
  • DOI
  • License
    This thesis is made available by the University of Alberta Libraries with permission of the copyright owner solely for non-commercial purposes. This thesis, or any portion thereof, may not otherwise be copied or reproduced without the written consent of the copyright owner, except to the extent permitted by Canadian copyright law.