
Grand Trunk Bridge over the Fraser River at Prince George, British Columbia

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  • Prince George Heritage Commission interpretive board on the river bank reads \"The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway began construction for this great bridge in August 1913. When completed in [not legible word], 1915, it was 810 meters long, just over a mile. The bridge was designed by G.T.P.R engineer J. G. Legtand and principal contractor was Foley, Welch & Stewart Company of Minnesota. Bates & Rogers Construction Company of Chicago built the concrete sub-structure and the Canadian Bridge Company of Walkerville, Ontario built the steel superstructure. The total cost of the bridge was #1,600,000. The concrete piers begin 11 meters below the reiverbed and support 5200 tonnes of steel girders. Huge concrete counterweights helped electric motors to lift a span 30 metres long for the passage of steamboats. it was last used in the early 1920's One of the roadways was opened in 1916 to replace the 20th Avenue ferry across the Fraser River.\"

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    Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 3.0 International