Staff wellness: An exploration of school staff perceived health and wellness
- Author(s) / Creator(s)
This research resolves to understand the perceived subjective wellbeing of a school staff at a specific school site. The intent was to, using quantitative research, measure a school staff’s wellness literacy and perceived sense of individual wellness based on the wellness dimensions as well as themes of joy of teaching, sense of belonging, and self-efficacy. By recognizing areas of strength in addressing overall staff wellness, the research can help determine if school staff are flourishing based upon results from subjective wellness surveys. Furthermore, the data drawn can also be used to identify areas of need and consideration, for a future wellness program curated specifically to a school site. Research objectives included surveying a school staff to determine overall level of wellness in the wellness dimensions and themes, interpreting the data to determine areas of strength and need, and identifying areas to address in future wellness programming. When analyzing the data, interestingly, it was occupational wellness that was set apart as an area of need as opposed to what was hypothesized to be a need for physical, mental, and/or emotional wellness programming.
- Date created
- 2020
- Type of Item
- Research Material