A first generation whole genome RH map of the river buffalo with comparison to domestic cattle

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    • Amaral, M. E., Grant, J. R., Riggs, P. K., Stafuzza, N. B., Filho, E. A., Goldammer, T., Weikard, R., Brunner, R. M., Kochan, K. J., Greco, A. J., Jeong, J., Cai, Z., Lin, G., Prasad, A., Kumar, S., Saradhi, G. P., Mathew, B., Kumar, M. A., Miziara, M. N., Mariani, P., Caetano, A. R., Galvao, S. R., Tantia, M. S., Vijh, R. K., Mishra, B., Kumar, S. T., Pelai, V. A., Santana, A. M., Fornitano, L. C., Jones, B. C., Tonhati, H., Moore, S., Stothard, P., & Womack, J. E. (2008). A first generation whole genome RH map of the river buffalo with comparison to domestic cattle. BMC Genomics, 9(631), [11 pages]. http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/1471-2164-9-631
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