
Interviews that attend to emplacement: the "walk-through" method

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  • Within library and information studies (LIS), there is growing awareness of the role of the body and its surroundings in people’s information and knowledge experiences. Predominant data collection methods, such as the sit-down interview, should be reexamined in light of this awareness. This paper examines interview methods theoretically and empirically. First, this paper introduces the concept of emplacement, the interrelationship of body, mind, and place, as a useful lens for challenging conventional interviewing practices. Second, this paper delineates the “walk-through” interview, which in a study of undergraduates’ information behaviours prompted richer detail from
    participants than did “sit-down” interviews.

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  • Type of Item
    Conference/Workshop Presentation
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    Author(s) retain copyright of the extended abstract(s) submitted through this system and are encouraged to publish their work on other open access platforms (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website).
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  • Citation for previous publication
    • Polkinghorne, S., Given, L.M., & Carlson, L. (2017, May). Interviews that attend to emplacement: the "walk-through" method. The Warp & Weft of Knowledge: Information Threads Connecting Disciplines, Identities, and Perspectives: The 45th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Information Science. Toronto, Canada.