
Design Theory and Software Design

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  • Technical report TR96-26. Software design methods share many characteristics with design methods in other fields. All these methods are the progeny of philosophies of design that are in turn influenced by more general philosophic movements. This essay begins with the influence of philosophies of science on the study of design, highlighting the effects on design discourse of Cartesian rationality, the hypothetico-deductive account of scientific progress, and Kuhnian paradigms. Next, the influence of the constructivist and humanist movements on design thinking are considered, culminating in the introduction of a philosophy of design based on hermeneutics, or interpretation. The influence of design philosophy on software design methods begins a categorization of several software design methods according to the design theory framework, with some emphasis on design methods that support a hermeneutical style of design. Some justification for a pluralistic approach to software design methodology rounds out the essay. This technical report is an essay in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science. | TRID-ID TR96-26

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