
An Object-Oriented Multimedia Database System for a News-On-Demand Application

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  • Technical report TR95-14. Multimedia applications need support from an underlying multimedia storage system to store and retrieve multimedia objects. The presence of spatio-temporal and composition relationships between the objects, their large volume and their inherent distribution pose interesting modeling and implementation requirements. These requirements cannot be fully met by conventional means such as file servers and relational databases. The design and implementation of a multimedia database to satisfy these requirements is described in this thesis. The design is targeted to a News-on-Demand application. The features of this work are the use of object-oriented database technology, and the use of document standards to represent multimedia documents. News-on-demand is a distributed multimedia application that uses broadband network services to deliver news articles to subscribers in the form of multimedia documents. A type system is developed to model the individual media components (monomedia) of the documents. To capture the composition and spatio-temporal relationships between the monomedia objects in the news articles, the SGML and HyTime document standards are used. This is done by designing an SGML/HyTime document type declaration (DTD) for multimedia news articles. This DTD is mapped to a type system. An annotation scheme ensures efficient storage of the text component of the document. These type systems are implemented on an object-oriented database system and fully satisfy the requirements of the news-on-demand application. | TRID-ID TR95-14

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    Attribution 3.0 International