Factors Influencing Teacher Retention and Attrition in Rural Schools
- Author(s) / Creator(s)
This qualitative study draws on a phenomenological approach and seeks to understand factors influencing teacher retention and attrition in rural school divisions. As well, it highlights the supports rural divisions could implement to improve teacher retention by understanding factors
leading to attrition. It is well known the levels of teacher attrition is concernable (Whalen et al., 2019) and retaining quality teachers should be a primary focus for leaders as it improves the quality of education for students (Darling-Hammond, 2003; Khawary & Ali, 2015). Three teachers with varying levels of experience in rural schools were interviewed. Findings suggest the primary reason teachers leave or stay in a rural school is due to a change in their personal life. Other factors associated with retention include strong mentorship programs responsive to the needs of the teacher and an incentive program which also includes incentives for tenured teachers. Findings are important for rural school divisions invested in improving teacher
retention and decreasing attrition. -
- Date created
- 2022-01-01
- Subjects / Keywords
- Type of Item
- Research Material