
Improving Data Throughput for Single-Conductor Wireless Power Transfer Systems Employing Sheath Helices

  • Author / Creator
    Belau, Semion
  • Historically, power transmission and data communication have been dealt with as separate problems. While communication has been conducted wirelessly for over a century, power has traditionally been transmitted via transmission line. However, the recent push for wireless power transmission (WPT) has sparked new interest in integrating the two.

    This thesis investigates the capability of a novel single-conductor WPT system to be used as a communication channel. The system was used to support the transfer of on-off keyed data with and without encoding. Messages were recovered using a software-defined receiver and the results showed that the system is able to support data rates in the hundreds of kilobits per second, which is appropriate for RFID and NFC. However, this first investigation evidenced that data rates were limited by: (a) the ripple voltage produced at the output of the receiver and (b) the bandwidth of the channel, warranting two other investigations into ripple voltage reduction and bandwidth enlargement.

    A mathematical criterion was formulated in order to minimize the ripple voltage and improve the reliability of communication with a low modulation index under amplitude shift keying. Simulation results with a software-defined receiver confirmed that the use of the criterion produces the smallest bit error rate.

    Bandwidth enlargement was undertaken as a whole system design by employing band-pass filter (BPF) theory. Four single-conductor systems, each with a distinct combination of filter order and bandwidth, were simulated. To assist in the design, an equivalent lumped-element model was derived for each system. The simulation results illustrated the effectiveness and ease of using BPF theory in designing single-conductor systems with different bandwidths.

  • Subjects / Keywords
  • Graduation date
    Fall 2020
  • Type of Item
  • Degree
    Master of Science
  • DOI
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