Lost in the Cloud: An Autoethnodramatic Inquiry on Digital Identity and Human Connection

  • Author(s) / Creator(s)
  • In this capstone project, I employ an arts-based research methodology to explore multifaceted aspects of digital citizenship as I have encountered them within the context of the social and educational sphere. My autoethnographic research takes the form of an autoethnodramatic play, drawing on my personal experiences and researcher-created poetry. The aim of this capstone project is to shed light on the intricate web of online belonging and its impact on educational environments.
    Inspired by the format of the play Albertine in Five Times by Michel Tremblay (1984), I represent myself being online at three different stages in my life. Like Tremblay's (1984) work, there is a throughline character that exists within all stages of my life online. Albertine in Five Times takes place on the front porch of Albertine’s childhood home and her bed in a private room of a seniors home. Lost in the Cloud takes place within the cloud, a representation of the internet. The internet is a place I found security, home, and refuge from the age of 10 years old; arguably the internet is my childhood home.

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    Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International