
Edmonton Japanese Community Association Library Evaluation and Plan 2008

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  • There is no one right way to organize a library and its systems; so much depends on the organizers and the users, and the ongoing commitment of time, effort, and money is theoretically without limits.
    The benefits enjoyed by the EJCA library include a belief among members that a library is a good thing, a sizeable collection of materials that are not available elsewhere,
    a dedicated space, a good-sized population of potential users, similar libraries facing the same challenges and willing to co-operate, and various sources for acquiring new material.
    The challenges include a lull in member interest; no consistent access times; access to the centre only by automobile; a widely diverse user population in terms of age,
    language, and interests; a bilingual collection in probably the most difficult language to accommodate [Japanese]; many out-of-date materials; a lack of similar libraries with suitable models to follow; turnover and changing of expertise of volunteers; lack of consistent technology expertise; and no direct source of revenue for the library.
    The report outlines many of the issues relating to library organization, relates these to the EJCA situation, and suggests recommendations for both the short and long terms.

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    Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International