
Structural Behaviour of Textile and Steel Reinforced Ceramic Composite Slabs

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  • Magnesium potassium phosphate cement (MPPC) is an innovative chemically bonded cement formed by the reaction of magnesium oxide and monopotassium phosphate. Concrete produced using a MPPC binder can exhibit faster strength gain and results in lower overall environmental impacts from greenhouse gas emissions and embodied energy compared to concretes produced with Portland cement binders. This research had two parts: the first part was to develop and characterize lightweight structural ceramic concretes made from MPPC binders and various aggregates, and to study the uniaxial tensile response of composite made of these ceramic concretes and glass textile reinforcements. The second part of the study developed an innovative structural system using these ceramic concretes, reinforcing steel and glass textile reinforcements. Laboratory tests were performed to develop and characterize the rheological and mechanical properties of an innovative ceramic concrete that contained or omitted chopped glass fibers. Results indicated that ceramic concrete could be formulated with rheological and mechanical properties suitable for structural applications. The produced concretes exhibited rapid strength gain and had 28-day compressive strengths between 17 and 55 MPa for densities between 1600 and 2200 kg/m3, respectively. The addition of chopped glass fiber into ceramic concrete increased the flexural strength and direct shear strength. The uniaxial tensile response of textile reinforced ceramic concrete with and without additional chopped glass fibers were also investigated. The test results indicated that the textile reinforcement increased the ultimate load-bearing capacity and ductility of the specimens. The addition of short glass fibres in textile reinforced concrete increased the first-crack stress and the axial tensile strength. The flexural behaviour of six composite slabs made of ceramic concrete reinforced with longitudinal steel bars and glass textile reinforcements were examined. The test results of the slabs indicated that ceramic concrete composites are suitable for structural applications. However, some further studies on durability are needed prior to field applications. A numerical model was developed using MATLAB® to study the flexural behaviour of the slabs. The full-member model was developed based on equilibrium and strain compatibility, accounting for the non-linear material behaviour. The developed model was in good agreement with the experimental results.

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