
Collective Task Achieving Group Behaviour by Multiple Robots

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  • Technical report TR93-06. In this paper, we explore the idea of using environmental cues as a control for a chain of sequential behaviours which, when taken together, define a task achieving group behaviour. Our approach is to define the collective task, to be performed by multiple robots, as a group behaviour. The group behaviour is a set of behaviours performed in sequence, each of which specify a single step in the collective task. An environmental cue is used to control the transition between each behaviour, thus allowing the progress of the collective task to self-govern its execution. We propose to simplify the recognition of the environmental cue by characterizing the robot's sensor input patterns as a classification problem, solved using an Adaptive Logic Network (ALN) and implemented using simple combinational logic. We provide a description of our Collective Robotic Intelligence Project (CRIP) including our simulation results and our multi-robot system on which these results will be deployed. | TRID-ID TR93-06

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    Attribution 3.0 International