
Video Modeling and Its Integration in a Temporal Object Model

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  • Technical report TR96-02. Video modeling has become a topic of increasing interest in the area of multimedia research. One of the key aspects in the video medium is the temporal relationship between video frames. In this report1 we propose a tree based model for specifying spatial and temporal semantics of video data. Our focus here is on the temporal issues. We present a unique way of integrating our video model into an objectbase management system which has rich multimedia temporal operations. We further show how temporal histories are used to model video data. Using histories to model video data is both simple and natural. It also can lead to a uniform behavioral model. A user can then explore the video objectbase using object oriented techniques. Such a seamless integration gives a uniform interface to end users. The integrated video objectbase management system supports a broad range of temporal queries and is extensible thus allowing the easy incorporation of new features into the system. | TRID-ID TR96-02

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    Attribution 3.0 International