Alberta Research Centre for Health Evidence (ARCHE)
The Alberta Research Centre for Health Evidence (ARCHE), located within the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Alberta, was established in 2000 to serve as a resource to individuals and groups interested in using evidence for decision making.
The mandate of ARCHE is to support and foster the development of evidence-informed practice. To achieve this, ARCHE:
- produces high quality evidence syntheses aimed at high priority issues in health;
- advances the methods of conducting randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and evidence syntheses;
- provides training and mentoring to health care professionals, trainees and students;
- conducts knowledge translation activities to help inform clinical and policy decisions.
Items in this Collection
- 12Systematic reviews
- 9Pediatrics
- 5Child health
- 5Randomized controlled trials
- 4Drug therapy
- 4Meta-analysis
They may be a hot topic in health research and libraries, but infographics are not new. Information visualizations have a long history of use in medicine, particularly epidemiology. Now ubiquitous in modern urban landscapes, infographics are rebranded knowledge assemblages for an information age....
Which resources should be used to identify RCT/CCTs for systematic reviews: a systematic review.
Cramer, K., Hartling, L., Wiebe, N., Klassen, T. P., Crumley, E. T.
Background Systematic reviewers seek to comprehensively search for relevant studies and summarize these to present the most valid estimate of intervention effectiveness. The more resources searched, the higher the yield, and thus time and costs required to conduct a systematic review. While there...