Alberta Research Centre for Health Evidence (ARCHE)
The Alberta Research Centre for Health Evidence (ARCHE), located within the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Alberta, was established in 2000 to serve as a resource to individuals and groups interested in using evidence for decision making.
The mandate of ARCHE is to support and foster the development of evidence-informed practice. To achieve this, ARCHE:
- produces high quality evidence syntheses aimed at high priority issues in health;
- advances the methods of conducting randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and evidence syntheses;
- provides training and mentoring to health care professionals, trainees and students;
- conducts knowledge translation activities to help inform clinical and policy decisions.
Items in this Collection
- 12Systematic reviews
- 9Pediatrics
- 5Child health
- 5Randomized controlled trials
- 4Drug therapy
- 4Meta-analysis
Klassen, T. P., Lee, D., Tubman, M., Majumdar, S. R., Friesen, C.
Recommendations for improved patients’ safety, specifically the safety of products containing potassium, are often based on practice guidelines and untested recommendations widely endorsed by various experts or organisations Valid and empirical evidence to support or discourage implementation of...
Brief Emergency Department Interventions for Youth Who Use Alcohol and Other Drugs: A Systematic Review
Gokiert, Rebecca, Wild, T. Cameron, Newton, Amanda S., Mabood, Neelam, Ata, Nicole, Dong, Kathryn, Ali, Samina, Hartling, Lisa, Vandermeer, Ben, Tjosvold, Lisa
Objective: Brief intervention (BI) is recommended for use with youth who use alcohol and other drugs. Emergency departments (EDs) can provide BIs at a time directly linked to harmful and hazardous use. The objective of this systematic review was to determine the effectiveness of EDbased BIs....
Children are not just small adults: the urgent need for high-quality trial evidence in children.
Offringa, M., Hartling, L., Craig, J. C., Klassen, T. P.
Children are often touted as being very important members of society because they represent our future. Optimizing their health outcomes has the potential for a huge impact on public health because children are at an early stage in the life trajectory. But it is often unclear how society...
Swingler, G., Williams, K., Hartling, L., Moyer, V., Cramer, K., Klassen, T. P., Wiebe, N.
Background The delivery of optimal medical care to children is dependent on the availability of child relevant research. Our objectives were to: i) systematically review and describe how children are handled in reviews of drug interventions published in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews...
Shannahoff-Khalsa, D., Carlson, L. E., Buscemi, N., Dusek, J. A., Bond, K., Barnes, V., Ospina, M. B., Dryden, D. M., Karkhaneh, M.
OBJECTIVE: To provide a descriptive overview of the clinical trials assessing meditation practices for health care. DESIGN: Systematic review of the literature. Comprehensive searches were conducted in 17 electronic bibliographic databases through September 2005. Other sources of potentially...
Controlled trials in children: quantity, methodological quality and descriptive characteristics of pediatric controlled trials published 1948-2006.
Tjosvold, L., Thomson, D., Vandermeer, B., Klassen, T. P., Cohen, E., Hartling, L.
Background The objective of this study was to describe randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and controlled clinical trials (CCTs) in child health published between 1948 and 2006, in terms of quantity, methodological quality, and publication and trial characteristics. We used the Trials Register...
Developing a child health trials register: benefits, challenges and solutions
Hartling, Lisa, Tjosvold, Lisa, Klassen, Terry P.
An overview of the development of a pediatric controlled trials register, the World's most comprehensive register of published pediatric trials.
Diagnosing Clinically Significant Dehydration in Children with Acute Gastroenteritis Using Noninvasive Methods: A Meta-Analysis
Milne, Andrea, Hartling, Lisa, Vandermeer, Ben, Freedman, Stephen B.
OBJECTIVE: To determine the most accurate, noninvasive method of assessing dehydration. STUDY DESIGN: The following data sources were searched: electronic databases, gray literature, scientific meetings, reference lists, and authors of unpublished studies. Eligible studies were comparative...
Do health care institutions value research? A mixed methods study of barriers and facilitators to methodological rigor in pediatric randomized trials.
Scott, S. D., Hamm, M. P., Hartling, L., Klassen, T. P., Moher, D.
Background Pediatric randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are susceptible to a high risk of bias. We examined the barriers and facilitators that pediatric trialists face in the design and conduct of unbiased trials. Methods We used a mixed methods design, with semi-structured interviews building...
Scott, S. D., Moher, D., Klassen, T. P., Hartling, L., Hamm, M. P.
Introduction A research-practice gap exists between what is known about conducting methodologically rigorous randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and what is done. Evidence consistently shows that pediatric RCTs are susceptible to high risk of bias; therefore novel methods of influencing the...