2010 2nd Annual Celebration of Research and Innovation
Items in this Collection
- 1Cell cycle/physiology
- 1Cross-media comparison
- 1Film
- 1Game
- 1Handed behavior
- 1Morphological asymmetry
- 5University of Alberta Celebration of Research and Innovation
- 5University of Alberta Celebration of Research and Innovation/2010 2nd Annual Celebration of Research and Innovation
- 1Biological Sciences, Department of
- 1Biological Sciences, Department of/Research Data and Materials (Biological Sciences)
Knoblach, B., Mast, F.D., Weisman, L.S., Glover, J.N.M., Logan, M.R., Eitzen, G.A., Rachubinski, R.A., Brunner, M.J., Fagarasanu, A., Atichison, J.D., Jin, Y.
In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the class V myosin motor Myo2p propels the movement of most organelles. We recently identified Inp2p as the peroxisome-specific receptor for Myo2p. In this study, we delineate the region of Myo2p devoted to binding peroxisomes. Using mutants of Myo2p specifically...
The concept of the subjunctive mode provides a useful key in exploring narrative comprehension in different media. This article reports on a study in which twelve undergraduates, working in groups of three, read a novel, watched a movie, and played a digital game. Analysis of transcripts of their...
Rachubinski, R.A., Fagarasanu, A., Mast, F.D.
Peroxisomes can import large multimeric protein complexes and even 9-nm gold particles decorated with peroxisome-targeting signals. They achieve these feats of protein passage using a distinctive translocon whose highly dynamic aqueous pore can expand to accommodate the increasing girths of...