2013 Campus Data Summit
The second University of Alberta Campus Data Summit will be held March 19-20, 2013. Sponsored by the University of Alberta Libraries and the Canadian Circumpolar Institute, the Summit will draw upon the experiences and lessons of research in the North and the Arctic, focusing on the various stewardship roles that institutions play across jurisdictions in the management and preservation of research data. test
Items in this Collection
Canadian Circumpolar Institute, School of Energy and the Environment (SEE), University of Alberta Libraries
Poster for the 2013 University of Alberta Campus Data Summit.
University of Alberta Libraries, School of Energy and the Environment (SEE), Canadian Circumpolar Institute
Program for the 2013 University of Alberta Campus Data Summit.
Presentation by Aynslie Ogden (Senior Science Advisor, Executive Council Office, Government of Yukon) with panel responses by Susan Babcock (Research Ethics Office, University of Alberta), John Broome (Chair, CDN National Committee - CODATA International), Scot Nickels (Director, Inuit...